HBO recently launched HBO Now, a streaming service users can buy without the need for cable. But if it was a bit too expensive for you, the network may be prepared to offer some lower prices soon.

Cut Cable Today took note of a survey HBO sent out to customers who were ending their free trial with HBO Now. If users said that price was the main reason they weren't continuing their subscription, they were asked which of three deals they might take advantage of, including a three month subscription for $29.99 and a yearly subscription for $99.99.

The survey also mentions a potential second free trial after the initial free trial has ended, an offer a variety of other streaming services have tried in the past.

In particular, the one year for $99.99 is a pretty good deal. While that might seem like a lot of money, with the regular $15 a month price tag, a year of HBO Now would normally be $180. With that discount, HBO Now would be about the same amount per year as Netflix is.

An HBO representative told Quartz that we shouldn't interpret these surveys as a formal change in direction for HBO. But it definitely shows that the network is at least open to a lower price for Now in the future, seeing if that might draw in some more customers.

HBO Now is currently available exclusively through Apple TV for $15 a month exclusively through Apple TV.

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