On a teaser clip for the upcoming Keeping Up With The Kardashians episode, Kylie Jenner, 17, finally admitted to artificial lip enhancement. This teen Instagram sensation regularly gets temporary lip fillers, which are, in fact, injections that plump the lips short-term.
“It’s just an insecurity of mine and it’s what I wanted to do,” Kylie said. “I’m just not ready to talk to reporters about my lips yet because everyone always picks us apart.”
After the #KylieJennerChallenge quickly took a downhill dangerous spiral health-wise, the E! star has come clean about the reality of her look.
She lets viewers in on her lip regime, as well.
“Everyone thinks I use like one certain color, so I use like six different colors all the time,” she said referring to her lipstick of choice.
Now everyone can stop sucking on shot glasses and water bottles, which can cause permanent damage by the way, to try to get the desired look. Instead it’ll take professional lip augmentation to achieve the authentic Kylie level. At least the younger Jenner sister has finally owned up to her beauty secret. Hopefully viewers can take that as an inspiration to admit insecurities, rather than to work towards unrealistic lip goals.
Top image courtesy of Chiva/INFphoto.com