A lawyer in Kenya has offered up livestock in exchange for one of President Obama’s daughters’ hand in marriage.

Felix Kiprono claims he’s been eyeing 16-year-old Malia for seven years now, which would’ve made her 9 years old.

He has now offered Obama 50 cows, 70 sheep and 30 goats to marry Malia.

"I got interested in her in 2008. As a matter of fact, I haven't dated anyone since and promise to be faithful to her. I have shared this with my family and they are willing to help me raise the bride price," he told the Nairobian.

President Obama will make a trip to Kenya in July and Kiprono is asking him to bring Malia along so he can propose.

“People might say I am after the family’s money, which is not the case. My love is real,” he said, adding, “I will propose to her on a popular hill in Bureti near my father’s land where leaders and warriors are usually crowned.”

“Ours will be a simple life,” he continued. “I will teach Malia how to milk a cow, cook ugali and prepare mursik like any other Kalenjin woman,” he said.

MailOnline reports Obama’s grandmother still lives in Kogelo, which is located in western Kenya, along with other relatives. His father was born in the country and this will mark his first trip there as president.

image via David Lobel/INFphoto.com