After filmmaker Ryan McHenry’s death on Sunday, Ryan Gosling paid tribute to him in a new Vine video honoring his "Ryan Gosling Won't Eat His Cereal" video series.

Gosling finally poured a bowl of cereal and ate it to honor McHenry’s famous videos of the Notebook actor resisting a spoonful of Corn Flakes.

"My heart goes out to all of Ryan McHenry's family and friends. Feel very lucky to have been apart of his life in some small way,” Gosling also tweeted.

McHenry, 27, died after a battle with cancer. At the time of his death, fans inundated Gosling with requests to make his dream come true and it happened.

He has previously said, “As a filmmaker, I like to have a conclusion to things. The only conclusion I can see out of this whole thing is to have Ryan Gosling respond to this. Even if it's just him eating cereal."

E! Online reports they never met, but they did have some funny conversations on Twitter, where Gosling responded to the videos by saying he actually does love cereal.

image via Nancy Rivera/ACE/