Sarah Jessica Parker sparked rumors of a third Sex and the City movie while posting about her shoe line, the SJP collection, on Instagram.

Warner Bros. quickly cleared up the confusion in a statement but what she was actually referring to was an exclusive partnership with Bloomingdales, not the return of Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha.

“Well. I guess the cat's out of the (little brown) bag,” she first wrote. “As usual, we will keep you posted on every detail as we are able. I'm under a strict gag order until then.”

“The Instagram post is not in relation to the Sex and the City property,” the studio told People.

She also posted a photo of herself standing on top of a taxi in front of Bloomingdales, which further cements there’s no movie, she’s just really excited about her collection and new partnership.

Fans were quick to jump the gun on Sex and the City 3 news because the cast has teased us in the past. Jennifer Hudson told Dish Nation back in October, "I think it might be [happening]. Somebody just came to me talking about that. So if it's in the talks, it might happen.”

Shortly after, Parker and Kristin Davis tweeted each other and Parker wrote, "Heard the news? X"

images via Instagram from SJP

image via Dara Kushner/