The 12th episode of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt really gives the writing team a chance to flex their comedic muscles. We know where the show is heading before the finale, but Tina Fey, Robert Carlock and company keep the audience in suspense, while also on the floor laughing.

At the start of “Kimmy Goes To Court!,” Kimmy and Titus are still on the bus to Durnsville and we find Titus reading an issue of LandMall. Kimmy vows to make waffles out of Rev. Richard Wayne Gary Wayne... but first, they will have to survive the bus trip.

When they arrive, Cyndee (Sara Chase) and Randy (Tim Blake Nelson) are waiting for them. Cyndee apologizes for needing Kimmy’s help again, but Kimmy was always the strong one in the bunker. She also invites Kimmy to be her Maid of Honor and tells her that the bachelorette party is tonight. “I’d be Maid of Honored!”

Kimmy is bombarded by the press when she comes into the courthouse. Reporter Carla Tuesday (Robin Rieger) tells her that she’s the Paul McCartney of the Mole Women. Titus tries to divert the cameras to himself and he now realizes that he could capitalize on this to help out his career. Titus then sings his version of the National Anthem. Please stand and remove your hats.

For the red, white and blue. For the funny things you do! America, America! This is you!”

OK, not that that’s over, let’s get to Kimmy’s testimony. Obviously, the Reverend (Jon Hamm) tries to twist Kimmy’s words and the prosecution (Tina Fey and Jerry Minor) aren’t helping. First, the Reverend tries to show that Kimmy hates Durnsville. After all, she tried to leave, which somehow caused economic hardship in the town.

“I’m not saying that she’s responsible for all of Durnsville’s problems, but I know for a fact, if she stayed here, you’d all be rich right now!”

His next point is that Kimmy actually did have a chance to leave the bunker. The Reverend reminds her of a time when she challenged his authority in the bunker, arguing that the apocalypse never happened. He offers to have Cyndee go outside and see, but Kimmy can’t take that chance. She backs down... and the women stayed in the bunker for another seven years.

Now, suddenly, everyone hates Kimmy. Cyndee takes away the Maid of Honor title and Randy is angry that Kimmy can’t help him get his career back. Titus tries to cheer her up at the hotel, but Kimmy is angry that Titus wasn’t even at the courthouse. That’s because he was getting squatched on the radio. He eventually calms her down and reminds her about the dictionary and evidence. She storms off to meet Cyndee at the bowling alley.

There, Cyndee, Gretchen and Donna Maria are playing a really bad round of bowling. Kimmy tells Cyndee that they need to go back into the bunker to find evidence that could keep the Reverend in prison forever. When they go back in there, they distract Gretchen by telling her to go back to doing the old chores they used to do.

Cyndee, Kimmy and Donna Maria go through the Reverend’s Private Tube (RTP) and find his secret office. There, they also find a vault, which Kimmy easily opens. What’s inside? We’ll have to watch the season finale to find out.

Meanwhile, Titus is making an ass of himself on TV:

Check out our recap of the previous episode here.

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