We begin the second night of the season premiere of Big Brother. We meet the second group of houseguests. Liz is a marketing coordinator from Miami; Jason works at a grocery store and is a Big Brother super-fan. Vanessa is a professional poker player from Las Vegas; John is a dentist from Pennsylvania. Becky is the “All-American” girl from Denver and Steve is the engineering student from New York.

These six HG find out that eight other people are already in the house and crowned an HOH. They are also informed of the Battle of the Block twist and that one of them will be HOH tonight. They also find out about the ‘BB Takeover.’ Liz, Becky and Steve are the next three HG to enter the house. The first eight HG greet them and are very friendly. Liz is in love with Clay immediately. Clay is quite the ladies man. Jace is also trying his best to win the ladies.

Jason, John and Vanessa are the next three HG to enter the house. Jason is vocal from the moment he enters while Vanessa is immediately trying to figure out what has happened in the game so far. The HG return to the roundtable to meet the new HG. Clay immediately notices a strong resemblance between Steve and Ian, the winner of Big Brother 14. The HG toast each other, but quickly notice that the roundtable still has two empty seats.

Julie Chen returns with the hose of The Amazing Race, Phil Keoghan. He says since Big Brother has given The Amazing Race some players, it is time to return the favor. Jeff and Jackie will be the final two HG to enter the house. They say they are now close friends. Inside the house, the HG hear the sound which means it is time for the first BBTakeover of the season. Phil comes on the screen in the house and explains about Jeff and Jackie. They enter the house and introduce themselves to the house. Jeff explains in the DR that he wants everyone to think he is playing the game alone, but he thinks he has Jackie in his back pocket.

Julie calls all the HG to the living room. They are about to do the second HOH competition and Julie tells them one of the final eight has to sit out of the competition. Vanessa decides to be the one to sit out. Liz, Jason, John, Becky, Steve, Jackie and Jeff compete in the second HOH competition. The competition is called ‘UFOh No’ where they must hold on to their stake and not be sucked up into the UFO. The last one standing will be the second HOH next to James. They are hanging on to their stake while being covered in slime. Steve is the first person eliminated. Jeff decides to throw the competition since he feels he already has a target on his back.

John is the next one eliminated. Becky is the next one out. Jackie, Liz and Jason are the final three. Liz loses her grip and is eliminated. Jackie and Jason are the final two. Jason tries to make a deal with Jackie that he will keep her safe. Jackie decides to take his deal and eliminates herself. Jason becomes the second HOH next to James. Da’Vonne doesn’t want this to be like past seasons where the guys start running the house in the beginning.

Jason and James are the first two HOH’s of the season but the Battle of the Block will dethrone one of them. We get a preview of the season while we eavesdrop on the house as they are discussing things post the second HOH competition.