Whether it was sincere or simply to promote their upcoming movie, Amy Schumer consoled her Trainwreck co-star after his Cleveland Cavaliers lost to the Golden State Warriors Tuesday in the NBA Finals.

While LeBron James was going through the agony of defeat after the loss, Schumer passed along a few words of encouragement, the Huffington Post noted.

The comedian tweeted a photo of happier times in an effort to cheer the star up or perhaps promote their new film or both.

“We’re gonna be just fine,” she wrote.

Unfortunately, the Trainwreck title pretty much describes LBJ’s record in the Finals. The game’s best player is just 2-4 in those games and right now it is uncertain if his teammate Kevin Love will opt out or stay in Cleveland next season. We’ll have to stay tuned for that decision. In the meantime, here's hoping that James and the Cavs' fans can pick themselves up after the loss and smile a bit about the King’s big-screen debut.

Trainwreck hit theaters on July 17.

Click here for TheCelebrityCafe.com’s review of the flick.

Image courtesy of Amy Schumer

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