Charlie Sheen got food poisoning after eating some bad clams on Monday night. His publicist, Jeff Ballard, confirmed he was rushed to the emergency room.
He didn’t spend that much time at the hospital, but he did go as a precautionary measure after having a seafood pasta dinner delivered to his home.
Ballard said in a statement that the Anger Management star had a “severe case” of food poisoning. "It was clams, bad clams. Nothing too exciting,” he told People.
“Just to be on the safe side, he went to the hospital," Ballard continued. "They checked him out, hydrated him and sent him on his way. He was back home in bed 90 minutes later."
TMZ reports Sheen called the fire department directly at around 11pm to save time and omit 911 having to to call them.
He’s doing just fine after the quick scare and back at home swimming in his pool as of Tuesday.
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