How could comedian Amy Schumer’s star possibly get any bigger? She could always host The Daily Show. But she turned down that opportunity and explained her decision this weekend.

In an interview with the Daily Beast this weekend, Schumer - who already stars in the network’s Inside Amy Schumer - admitted that the network offered her the Daily Show seat.

Schumer said she was “honored” by the offer, noting that it was like her parents showing that they really trusted her. However, she really enjoys the freedom of not being tied to something for five years.

“And then I thought, ‘Well, I could give everyone I love a job and we could all be together for five years,’” Schumer explained. “But picturing being in a building and knowing what I was going to do for five years—I love not knowing. And I’ve never done anything safe or to make money for that reason. So, you know, I said, ‘I can’t start now.’”

This comes just after the New York Times Magazine published a profile on Comedy Central. The Times reported that the network did ask Amy Poehler about replacing Jon Stewart, but they received the “quickest no in history.” Chris Rock also seriously considered it, but he would only sign on for a year.

Eventually, the network settled on Trevor Noah, a South African comedian who was picked after only three appearances on The Daily Show. Noah will take over the show on Sept. 28, while Stewart’s last day is Aug. 6.

screenshot from Comedy Central YouTube video