Things are looking up for Kelly Rutherford, who was spotted kissing her new boyfriend Tony Brand in New York City recently.

Brand is assistant general manager at Gucci and they’ve been linked stemming back from at least March, but this was their first public PDA moment.

Rutherford hit a major victory in her custody case for her two children; Helena and Hermes, last month when it was ruled the children would come back to the United States after six years of living in France.

She had started a White House petition to gain public support after a federal court ruled the kids would stay in France with their father.

The happy news was halted when Rutherford’s ex-husband, Daniel Giersch, argued a Monaco judge also had a say in the matter.

The AP reports Superior Court Judge Mark Juhas has since notified Rutherford's legal team that the children will spend the summer in the U.S. with their mother until the logistics of the case are settled.

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