Before the Science Fiction Channel (now SyFy) took over the show in 1997, Mystery Science Theater 3000, hosted by Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett, reined supreme on Comedy Central. Now, nearly twenty years after the station dropped their series, the gang is back on the station, as they join host Chris Hardwick on tonight's episode of @midnight.
Announced in a press release, the team, now under the name Rifftrax, join Hardwick at 11:59 PM to riff on various pop culture updates and trends which hit the Internet. This is their first time on the show and also their first appearances on Comedy Central in nearly two decades.
Their appearance here comes after their recent nationwide screenings of The Room on May 6 and 12 (read our recent interview with the film's writer/director/star/producer Tommy Wiseau here), and precedes their upcoming live commentary on Sharknado 2: The Second One also airing nationwide on July 9 and 16.
To find out more information about their live events, or to buy tickets, click here.