Pamela Anderson has a new title thanks to her conservation work. That’s nice and all, but it doesn’t have much legitimacy.

While Anderson was in Genoa, Italy this weekend, she received the title “Countessa de’ Gigli” from Prince Stefan of Montenegro, notes TMZ. The honorary title was for her work on protecting marine life and she also plans on partnering with the Italian Mediterranean Sealife Association.

However, don’t start calling Anderson a Countess whenever you see her. Montenegro hasn’t really had a monarchy since 1918, notes Daily Mail. According to a blog about fake royals, Stefan claims that he is even the emperor of Constantinople, Romania and Greece and the “hereditary prince” of Montenegro, Serbia and Albania.

Of course, Anderson didn’t let any of that get in her way of enjoying the ceremony. She actually knelt before Stefan, who tapped her with a sword to make it all look legit. On her site, Anderson wrote that she also received “diplomas of knighthood” for her sons.

image via Instagram from Pamela Anderson

image courtesy of Famous/ACE/