Before we even dive in, I just want to begin by shouting out Britt, who is probably somewhere galavanting on a beach with Brady, while licking on their icecream cones. Britt, you should count yourself lucky because girl, you...dodged...a...bullet, several actually.

The guys on this season are..... there are no words. They truly are the worst guys in Bachelorette history. Now, this is not to say that they're all horrible; in fact, there are actually many cute, funny, seemingly genuine guys, but unfortunately, there's just way too many rotten apples in this bunch. Poor Kaitlyn, slim pickings this season.

Ok, now that I've gotten that off my chest, let's get started.

Last week's episode concluded with Nick about to move into the house, and this week, we pick up right where we left off: Nick opens the door and walks into the room. Saying that the welcome he received was icy would be a huge understatement. I mean, who knew men could give such good "side eye". The whole scene is just awkward. The men come out swinging, especially Tanner, which surprised me because I haven't seen him fight this hard yet, hopefully he keeps up this fiery side of him, I like it. The men question Nick's motives, calling him a "serial Bachelorette dater". Nick defends himself quite well actually, handling the situation calmly.

Citi Field
Location! Location! Location! They really knocked this one out the park (get it?). The cocktail party starts off on a good note, with Kaitlyn and JJ running around the bases in the park. I gotta hand it to JJ, this guy takes a licking and just keeps on ticking. Not all the men come into the date ready to have fun, some of them are still apprehensive and cautious, even going as far as to warn Kaitlyn about Nick.

Finally! A Rose Ceremony
Honestly, it's about time some of these men hit the road, Kaitlyn needs to thin out this group. Personally, I just can't get into this "rose ceremony at the beginning of the episode instead of the end" thing. I like it when some when some of the guys are eliminated at the end of the episode, that way we get to start each week with a smaller crop of guys. It's more fun that way. What do you guys think. Yay, or nay?

It's a standard rose ceremony. The Men who leave are:Ryan, Jonathan, and Corey (Who was he anyway? I swear, I feel like this is the first time I'm laying eyes on him).

The Men who stay are: Ben H, Ben Z, Sean, Jared, Tanner, Joe, Ian, JJ, Joshua, Justin, Chris, and Nick.

One on one, let's two-step
San Antonio, Texas, is the next stop on the world tour. We begin with an individual date with Ben H, where he and Kaitlyn learn how to two-step. Ben H's dancing skills are a little lacking, but he definitely gets an A for effort. Great dip Ben! He and Kaitlyn connect on the date, have a romantic dinner, and though he initially is a little closed off, he begins to open up, they share a few kisses, and he gets a rose.

Who doesn't love a man in a...Mariachi uniform?
For the first group date we have; Justin, Jared, Ian, Chris, Tanner, Joe, JJ, Ben Z, Joshua, and Nick. Wow, that's a lot of guys. The men have to write a song for Kaitlyn, and perform it in the mariachi uniform, the tight pants, the hat, the whole nine yards. None of the men is a particularly great singer, but a few were stand outs for me; Justin killed it, Jared was hilarious, Joe was funny and spunky, and Ian well, he really needs to learn how not to take himself so seriously, just have fun, you're not auditioning for American Idol. Last but not least, Nick, he really is "team too much", but you gotta give it to the guy, he's ballsy, and he nailed the performance.

Onto part two of the date. Let me just tell you now, this is not a good night for Joshua. Firstly, he receives a disastrous haircut from Kaitlyn, due to some faulty clippers. Joshua really should have read that as a bad omen for the rest of the night. He pulls Kaitlyn away again to talk to her about his negative feelings about Nick, saying that all of the men also feel the same way. Kaitlyn confronts the rest of the men, who completely deny that they have any animosity towards Nick. This makes Joshua look and feel even more insecure and alone, as the men really left him out to dry. To add insult to injury, Nick gets the group date rose.

Lesson of the day children; speak only for yourself. Do not take it upon yourself to speak for the group.

Venice! Just kidding, we're still in Texas baby!
Sean and Kaitlyn go on a Kayaking date. They connect during the day and this connection only grows during their dinner date, where they both confess that they are falling in love with each other.
Sean is going to be one of the last men standing, mark my words.

Now, let us have a little discussion. I always find it interesting how all these men claim to have a wall/guard up, yet they are all more than happy to come date in front of millions of people on TV. Hmmmm? really? I don't buy it, but I digress.

Onto the cocktail party
Man, why do all the seemingly good eggs turn out to be so so rotten. Ian, what the hell dude? Was anyone else taken completely off guard with his cocky attitude? This man has the nerve to say that there must be something wrong with Kaitlyn because in the outside world, he can get any woman he wants and he has lots of sex. According to him, his credentials include the fact that he is good looking, smart, well travelled, and that he has defied death, yes, he actually says that defying death is one of his credentials. I cannot make this stuff up if I tried. To top it all off, Ian really believes that can/should be the next Bachelor. This dude has some delusions of grandeur. Sir, you are an asshole.

Ian confronts Kaitlyn, telling her that she is shallow, and insinuating that she is a slut who is only here to make out with a bunch of guys. He also refers to the other guys as "lame", saying how much better he is than all of them. He is truly a gift (I hope you sense the sarcasm).

We end with another "To Be Continued", and honestly ABC, it's getting kinda old. Anyway, now we wait for next week. Kaitlyn, please read him for filth because he is a total jackass! Woosah, this show is getting me all riled up on a Monday, not good.

Stay strong Kaitlyn! I'm rooting for you girl.