Just because we knew this day was coming, that doesn’t make it any easier. Sir Christopher Lee, who scared audiences for decades with a mix of darkness and classy wit, died earlier this week at age 93. The news was just shared this morning and tributes from Hollywood and his native U.K. have already started flooding Twitter.

Lee, who had over 280 films on his resume, was such a beloved figure of the British film industry that even politicians paid their respect.

image via Twitter from Boris Johnson

image via Twitter from BFI

Lee also starred in The Man With The Golden Gun. Sir Roger Moore, who played James Bond in that film, remembered his “old friend.”

Sherlock writer Mark Gatiss remembered Lee. Coincidentally, both Gatiss and Lee played Sherlock Holmes’ brother, Mycroft. (Also, Lee is the only actor to ever play both Sherlock and Mycroft in his career. He played Mycroft in Billy Wilder’s The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes and played Sherlock several times on film and on TV.)

Elijah Wood, who played alongside Lee in the Lord of the Rings films, wrote:

Dominic Monaghan, also in LOTR, wrote:

Daniel Logan was in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, which also starred Lee.

Even actors who didn’t get to work with Lee remembered his films.

Image courtesy of Famous/ACE/INFphoto.com