Following Diddy’s confrontation with his son’s UCLA football coach and subsequent arrest, he’s free and clear of any criminal charges.

The L.A. County D.A. dropped the charges of assault with a deadly weapon, making terrorist threats and battery. After a confrontation about treating his son, Justin Combs, poorly, he reportedly attacked the team’s strength and conditioning coach Sal Alosi with a kettleball.

TMZ reports the D.A. has dropped the case and sent it to the L.A. City Attorney, who could possible pursue a misdemeanor assault charge against him.

After the incident, Diddy and his son took to social media to express their love to each other.

“I thank God for having a father that’s always there for me… Love you pops!,” Justin wrote. Meanwhile, Diddy’s rep said in a statement, “Any actions taken by Mr. Combs were solely defensive in nature to protect himself and his son.”

image via Jennifer Graylock/