In the midst of the public drama in the aftermath of her biological father speaking out about no longer viewing her as his daughter, Kate Hudson is showing her patriotism for the Fourth of July weekend.

The actress took to Instagram with a video of herself singing the National Anthem. Dressed in pajamas, Hudson belted out the lyrics to the “Star Spangled Banner,” which was apparently done at 7:30 in the morning according to the caption.

You can hear someone cheering her on as she does the routine while wearing sunglasses. The caption reads “7:30am and I’m feeling seriously patriotic! Happy 4th of July!” She also included patriotic hashtags and one that mentioned her kids saying "#MyKidsAreGoingToBeSoEmbarrassed."

Hudson does a great job in this short clip and she could possibly do a better job than other stars have in the past, as we saw in a list of celebrities who butchered the National Anthem.

Her biological father, Bill Hudson, recently spoke about the reason he did not have a relationship with his children, who have since viewed Kurt Russell as their father after beginning a relationship with Goldie Hawn, Kate’s mother.

Video via Instagram from Kate Hudson.

Image via Stills Press/