Khloe Kardashian looked stunning in her photo shoot with Complex magazine, but the public immediately accused her being of overly re-touched in the photos. In order to prove everyone wrong, Khloe posted the raw images.

ET Online shares that Khloe has dedicated herself to working out at the gym in order to achieve a healthy body.

It is clear that her hard work has paid off, but unfortunately, people aren’t quick to support her.

When she appeared in Complex’s magazine, she was able to show of her progress in the racy photo shoot. But after receiving backlash from haters, Khloe was quick to shut them down.

She posted the retouched photo and the un-retouched photo on Instagram with the caption saying, “This one is for all the troll haters out there that cannot seem to give me an ounce of credit for my daily workouts!”

Khloe does admit that the retouched photo does have some shadows removed and her skin is smoothed down a little, but the differences are minimal. In both pictures she looks stunning.

Image via Instagram from Khloe Kardashian
Credit: Zelig Shaul/ACE/