Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch loves to promote himself, so financing a movie about his life sounds like something he would definitely do. Well, he really did it, but the results are so bad that he’s decided to never release it.

Back in February, a trailer for Family First: The Marshawn Lynch Story mysteriously popped up on the web. It was later pulled from view, since everyone could clearly see that it was awful. It didn’t look just “low budget.” It looked like there was “no budget.”

According to Rolling Stone, the film was made by Mario Bobino, a longtime friend of Lynch’s who has been stuck making awful movies like The Female Law Firm that no one sees since 1999.

Bobino hoped that the Lynch connection would help him get some clout, but that has clearly backfired. Not only did Beast Mode’s team hate the fact that a trailer was released, they also hated the film itself.

“He did a terrible job, and the film will never be released,” the Super Bowl champ’s agent, Doug Hendrickson, told Rolling Stone.

Lynch, who spent $100,000 on the film, has the rights, so he can refuse to release it. Of course, that leaves Bobino, 52, in limbo, since he had to spend $18,000 of his own money on finishing the movie. He’s since gone back to working as a juvenile probation officer so he can pay the film’s crewmembers.

“My story is the truth, so people know what happened and what I had to deal with,” Bobino told RS. “If that movie had come out and it would have been successful, I would have gotten no credit. Now that it's considered a failure, everyone is pointing the finger at Mario Bobino.”

This isn’t the first time that Lynch’s camp has trashed Bobino’s work. In February, when the trailer came out, a source told TMZ that the movie “doesn't look like some sh*t nobody would want their name attached to.” At the time, Bobino told TMZ that he was also disappointed by Lynch’s team coming out swinging against the movie.

Lynch, who is also a video game star, signed a two-year contract extension with the Seahawks in May, USA Today reported at the time. He also really loves Skittles.

You can still see the Family First trailer right here.

screenshot from YouTube video