MTV aired a documentary called White People on Wednesday night, which follows director and award-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas having conversations with white people about white privilege.

Of course, this is one of the most divisive subjects right now, so Twitter blew up with lively discussions. It was meant to get all involved in the discussion uncomfortable, so Vargas could get to the root of how they feel about growing up white.

“Let’s get uncomfortable together,” he told the crowd of mostly white young white men and women.

All Vargas, who identifies as an undocumented immigrant from the Philippines, was trying to do during the documentary was start a conversation that is often taboo amongst the white population. It certainly did, and here are some of the most thought-provoking tweets from viewers.

Ready for eye-opening perspectives on race? Watch the entire “White People” documentary now.

Posted by MTV on Wednesday, July 22, 2015

video via Facebook from MTV

screenshot via YouTube video

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