Ringo Starr celebrated his 75th birthday on Tuesday. The celebration took place at the famed Capitol Records Tower in Hollywood. This was the location of the first U.S. labels for The Beatles. While enjoying his birthday, Starr reminisced about the early days of the famous rock 'n' roll band.
People reported that the theme of Starr's birthday was to promote peace and love around the world. Starr allowed fans to take part in the party through a Periscope stream on his phone. He asked fans to share their own messages and photos using the hashtag #Peaceandlove.
The Beatles have become known for their music and desire for peace but early on in their career, the band members didn't think about those things on such a global scale. They didn't start out musically thinking about the fate of the world at large.
Starr opened up about his early days within The Beatles. "We were punks, and we really didn't give a damn. But yeah, I've been doing peace and love for a long time." The philosophy's as important today as it ever was." Starr said. "If we're hugging and we're peace and loving, we're not being violent and we're not injuring anybody else."
Image courtesy of Peter West/ACE/INFphoto.com