From the cheesy line delivery to the hilariously bad CGI, the SyFy channel continues to churn out films that leave viewers questioning their own sanity for watching. The network is gearing up for the upcoming release of yet another installment of their 2013 hit saga, Sharknado, Wednesday, July 22 @ 9 PM EST. Third times the charm, right? So, we take a look at what makes this the movie to watch in This Week in Television:

Movie to Watch This Week: Sharknado 3 – Oh Hell No!
SyFy's continued obsession with the ocean's apex predator lives on.

It’s gotten to the point where we have to question whether SyFy even cares anymore.
I’m going to go with no, it doesn’t.

Plot holes and bad acting? No big deal.

It doesn’t make sense, you say? It doesn’t have to make sense!

As long as it brings the entertainment, it’s all good in my book.

Being the same network that brought us Sharktopus vs Whalewolf (yes, that's a thing), Two-Headed Shark Attack and Ghost Shark (yes, that happened as well), I couldn’t imagine how SyFy could ever top themselves….that is, until I caught a glimpse of the upconing Sharknado.

I would have thought that it'd be difficult to cram this much ridiculousness into 2-hour time slot. But SyFy makes it look easy.

The plot? Surfer Fin Shephard (played by Ian Ziering of 90210 fame) and his a bionic-armed estranged wife April (Tara Reid) are on a quest to rid the world of the oft-dangerous flying shark after a Wizard of Oz-esque waterspout sucked up all the oceans’ sharks and spun its way through downtown Los Angles. In the third edition, the storm is headed to Washington, DC.

That is literally all you need to know. No other backstory necessary.

Are the movies stupid? Obviously.

But if you switch off your brain and just accept the ridiculousness into your heart, you’ll grow to love it.

And with the film’s televised success, tons of random ‘stars’ are said to be making cameos. According to the NYPost, among those who will be taking part in Wednesday's shark hunting festivities are: Mark Cuban, R&B crooner NeYo, David Hasselhoff, NSYNC dancebot Chris Kirkpatrick, Jerry Springer, Ann Coulter and the dick pic taking congressman Anthony Weiner.

Next up on the list of upcoming SyFy showings? Lavalantuala Saturday, July 25 @ 9 EST. You can check out a trailer HERE

[ new page = Top 5 Sharknado Scenes ]
And in honor of this illustrious event, I present to you the my Top 5 Sharknado Scenes:

Is a Disclaimer even necessary?

5."Don't mess with a Mets fan on the 7 train"
Pretty self-explanatory.

4. Hit It Out of the Park
Who would have imagined that sharks and baseball could mix?

3. Dude Gets Taken Out by a Flying Head
With the city of New York going into mass hysteria, the Lady Liberty felt a little neglected, so she decided to take out this poor, unsuspecting dude in retaliation.

2. Fin Gives April a Hand
By the grace of The Great Oz, after getting her arm chomped off and slaying rain-sharks with her robo-saw arm, April was somehow able to recover her missing hand—wedding band still attached.

What she did with it after that will remain a mystery until tomorrow, I presume.

1. Chainsaw Shark Attack
The most iconic moment of them all. The one kill that sticks with every viewer. No words can do this justice. If you’ve heard of Sharknado then you’ve seen this scene. Enjoy.

You disagree? Then tell me what's your top Sharknado scene!