The 17th season of Big Brother started off with a bang. Week one had everything a BB fan could ever dream of: fights, alliances, excessive game play and a gaggle of other scenarios that could potentially set up for an exciting season.

So much was going on this past week that the live shows could not even cover one-fourth of the drama that went down in the house. I’m going to try to explain all the happenings, but this review can’t even do this week justice.

Grocery store bag boy, Jason Roy, and the self-proclaimed Hillbilly Asian, James Hulling, were named the season’s first Head of Households (HOH).

An already aligned duo poker dealer, Da’Vonne Rogers and social media consultant, Audrey Middleton, then joined the two HOHs and would form a foursome.

Da'Vonne and Audrey would later be at each others throats.

No indication of exactly WHAT set everything off besides Audrey excessive pathological liar traits or Da'Vonne's supposed "attitude".

But if this week one was any indication, if Audrey is ever given power, expect craziness and confusion.

From the viewers, the house guests, and from herself (because I sometime question whether she even knows what she's doing)

I’ve watched the feeds and have attempted to keep up with hourly updates since the show premiered last week and I STILL can’t comprehend what a jumbled mess (in a GOOD way) this cast has been. The live feeders that I have talked to are just as confused as I am.

All you would have to do is look at this alliance chart to see just how insane these houseguests are:

The weeks' plan was to backdoor the physical threat and house annoyance, Jace Agolli.

The HOHs would throw up two sets of pawns: Jason nominated retail manager Becky Burgess and rockstar dentist John McGuire while James nominated Steve Moses and Vegas showgirl Jackie Ibarra. Then hope and pray Jace wouldn’t win the Power of Veto (POV).

Luckily for them, he didn’t.

Steve won the Veto and took himself off the block. Leading James to put Jace up as a replacement.

The Twin Twist was also revealed. Original contestant Liz Nolan and her twin sister, Julia, have been switching places in the house throughout the past week. If they are able to successfully stay in the house without getting caught or getting evicted until Week Five they’ll both be allowed into the game to play as individuals.

Fast forward to Thursday night, Jace became the first evicted houseguest by a vote of 12-1. It wasn't unanimous thanks to a hinky vote by the ever devious, Audrey. This should lead to some discussion throughout the upcoming week.

I actually like Audrey and can appreciate her crazy, ridiculous game play. At least she's entertaining and unpredictable.

Finally, two new HOHs were also crowned: Becky Burgess and Shelli Poole both won and people are already scrambling to save themselves.

This was literally one of the wildest first weeks that I’ve witnessed since I began watching the show five years ago. In my experience, week one usually starts of a little slow. But these folks came out of the gate guns blazing. I have no clue who is aligned with who, no clue who is lying to whom. Just constant game play to the point where I question if these folks are going to burnout in three weeks’ time because of the stress. It’s hard to even get into what has been going on in that house because the game play is so ALL OVER the place (again, in a good way).

[ new page = Live Feed News As of Now: Nomination Spoilers, And A Travel Back to this Past Weeks Biggest Fights]

Nomination Spoilers
As of right now, the two HOHs have separate agendas.
Becky plans to gun for an Audrey backdoor after she (Audrey) supposedly came up with a lie about her (Becky) making a racist statement towards Da’Vonne before the feeds turned on. Which, based on the past few days of feeds it’s not difficult to imagine
Audrey lying about this. The girl has been concocting crazy lies all week. She has been absolutely reckless throwing everyone under the bus trying to pit everyone against each other.

It's only week one, Audrey. Chill.

It’s reached a point where I have to question whether she actually believes her own delusions or if she just has a short term memory.

Becky put up Jason and Steve with the idea of Jason throwing BotB, so she can stay in power in order to backdoor Audrey. Becky has the idea that her co-HOH, Shelli, is also on board.

But unbeknownst to her, Shelli is actually trying to go another route.
Shelli on the other hand, who is playing as nothing more than Clay’s mouthpiece. Clay wants to target Da’Vonne. Why? Because apparently she’s too “unpredictable” ie. she won’t bend to his whim or take any of his crap.

Shelli will put up John and Da’Vonne. She told John to ALSO throw the BotB in order for her to remain HOH so she can keep Da'Vonn on the block. Whether he actually does this is another question. Especially since he and Da'Vonne were “allies”. But, that could have changed.

A Travel Back: The Past Week’s Biggest Tifts
Jace tries an interesting approach in campaigning for poor Steve's vote. The confrontation felt more the an intimidating bully tactic than anything else. Jace lied about things other houseguests had said about him (Steve) in efforts to flip Steve vote and to join his (Jace) alliance. Using ridiculous grade school names like "Four Eyes" and "Geeksquad McGee" to drive his point home. While I did feel bad for Steve, I couldn't help but crack up at Jace's delivery. Just...bad.

Da'Vonne calls out Audrey on all of her lies. Effectively blowing up Audrey already crappy game. Worth a watch.

Audrey, for some reason, decides to confront Jace of a lie....that she created herself. She approached Jace about "six people who had told her that Jace was going after her if he wasn't voted out" Which was a complete lie. This girl is such an entertaining mess of a game player.