Well-Strung is a singing string quartet group on YouTube that has recently released a hilarious video titled Chelsea’s Mom. The video is a spoof on the song “Stacy’s Mom” by Fountain’s of Wayne.

The singing group shows their support for Hillary Clinton by singing about how much they adore her as a candidate.

The video begins with the group sitting behind office desks and surrounded by promotional campaign signs of Hillary. They reminisce on the good times when Clinton was the first lady.

“Chelsea do you remember back in ’93? Your mom was quite the first lady, I think you’d agree.”

Well-Strung even shut down other candidate that are running by calling them zealots, “Anyone but Clinton would give us the blues.”

By the end of the video, it is clear that these men love Hillary Clinton. The group marches down the street carrying a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Clinton.

After watching this video, Chelsea tweets back “I couldn’t agree more! Thank you @wellstrungNYC for supporting my mom.”

Crediit: Elder Ordonez/INFphoto.com