Day 58 in the house. Johnny Mac and Becky have just been nominated. I hope and pray that they flip and decide to backdoor Vanessa. Vanessa tries to reassure Johnny Mac that he is safe this week. Johnny Mac does not believe Vanessa and he will definitely go after her if he stays. Austin is pissed that Johnny Mac give him the death look. Steve tells Johnny Mac to stop fighting with Vanessa and focus on getting the POV. Steve does some recon to the Austin’s Angels alliance to get their feelings on Johnny Mac. They shouldn’t trust him…he will come after them.

Becky does some reminiscing on her HOH. She thinks about how it all unraveled. Why are watching the twins and Austin pulling makeup off of Liz’s face? She has one of the most annoying voices ever. The twins and Austin talk strategy. They know these nominations are about feeling out the house. Johnny Mac goes to chat with the twins and Austin. He tells them that he thought Vanessa was going to keep him safe. They SERIOUSLY need to take out Vanessa. The longer she stays in the game, the better chance she has. Who else does Vanessa have to piss off in the house?

I will admit watching #CaptainCamo(James) mess with the HG was hilarious. James is awesome. Johnny Mac, Becky and HOH Liz will play in the POV Competition. I pray Vanessa is not selected. Austin, Meg and Steve will participate. I feel that throwing this POV is a risky move for Johnny Mac. He is putting plenty of faith in the Austin’s Angels alliance. Becky feels that if she can win POV, she has a chance. I like Becky and Johnny Mac, so it is tough for me to take a side.

POV Competition time. #Otev is back in the Big Brother house. Otev has taken a rock-and-roll theme and tells us about this competition. He will play a song about an evicted HG and they must find the “butter” from that evicted HG. The last person to show up or bring the wrong name in that round is eliminated. I’m hoping either Johnny Mac or Becky can pull out the win here. Johnny is 100% down to not win the veto. He is eliminated first and I hope this doesn’t hurt him. Becky is dominating this competition so far. Steve is also trying to throw this competition. Meg wants to keep nominations the same.

Plenty of falling down in this competition. Becky goes in and tries to steal Austin’s pieces. Becky is unsuccessful. Austin, Liz and Meg are the final three. I’m not sure who I should be pulling for right now. Austin and Liz make it to the final two. Liz keeps all the power this week and wins the Power of Veto. If I had to guess, I would think that nominations will stay the same.

I would gain so much respect for Liz if she backdoored Vanessa. Liz complains about Vanessa being way too paranoid. Please put her on the block! Johnny Mac should be ok this week. In the house you never know. We then get to witness some Austin/Liz cuddle and make out time. Good for them? We witness a hickey on Liz’s neck! “Who gives hickey’s anymore?” My favorite quote from the episode. Thanks Julia. If I see Vanessa “cry” one more time I will be sick. She is so fake. I really hope that they don’t fall for this.

It is time for the POV Meeting. I hope that Liz uses it but I have a feeling that she won’t use it. Becky and Johnny Mac each give their final pleas to save themselves. The entire house a feeling that somebody is coming back into the game. It could very well be happening. I guess I would rather Becky go home I guess? I hate to see one of them go home. I hope one of them are able to come back in the game. Also, the house is CRAZY to keep Vanessa in the game.

Who will be evicted…Becky or Johnny Mac?

image of Julie Chen courtesy of Jennifer Graylock/