Day 50 in the Big Brother house and rejoin the HOH competition. Shelli is determined to get revenge on James since he sent Clay home. This HOH competition is an open race. I personally would like to see Becky or Johnny Mac win HOH. Steve feels he could be one of Becky’s main targets this week. Johnny Mac informs us why he has become a major target this week.

We flashback to five hours before Clay’s eviction where Johnny Mac and James are talking about Clay’s reason to give up on the game due to his love for Shelli. Johnny Mac has figured out Vanessa’s game and wants to take her out. Johnny Mac wants to keep Clay for his game. Clay then tells Vanessa that James is saying she is going after Johnny Mac. This obviously leads to a confrontation between James and Vanessa. James is getting thrown under the bus and he wants to confront Clay. They exchange some heated words and get in each other’s face. They don’t like each other at all. It turns into an assault on Clay and Johnny Mac reveals that he feels Vanessa is coming after him. I now hope Johnny Mac takes out Vanessa. Vanessa needs to leave the house next.

Becky is currently leading the HOH competition halfway through. Meg and Austin have 0% chance of winning. It’s The Sixth Sense vs the rest of the house. The one person James doesn’t want to win is obviously Shelli. Becky dominates this and gets all three balls, winning HOH this week and also winning $5,000 and will never be a Have-Not again. Steve is already paranoid. We have to deal with Shelli crying over Clay. She feels super alone. Cue the sad music.

Becky has revealed that instead of playing both sides of the house, she is siding with James, Jackie and Meg. Meanwhile, Shelli and the twins reminisce about Clay. Shelli references visiting New York and they could stay with Meg. Awkward. The twins feel safe this week, but they should be worried about Vanessa. Johnny Mac is going to do the best he can to try and get Becky to target Vanessa. I’m ok with this plan. Steve is still worried that he will be nominated. I’m just happy that Steve is finally getting into the game.

We visit Becky’s HOH room. Becky is one of the healthiest people I have ever seen. Shelli tells Vanessa she thinks Becky flipped and is with the other side of the house. I can’t believe Vanessa sprayed her hair with disinfectant. She is just a genius. Becky’s plan for the week is to nominate Shelli and Steve, then backdoor Vanessa. I LOVE IT. Becky has now become my third favorite HG in the house behind James and Johnny Mac. They must be absolutely silent in order to execute this plan.

The rest of the house is outside socializing while Steve is spacing out on his own in the pantry. Steve is one of the strangest people ever. We have nothing better to show than three awkward minutes with Steve? Shelli talks with Becky and Becky tells Shelli that she is targeting Vanessa. She is hoping to gain Shelli’s trust with this move. Risky move Becky. They must convince Vanessa that she is safe this week. She even promises Shelli that they would use the POV to save her. Becky lies to Vanessa saying she would backdoor Johnny Mac. No chance that is happening. Vanessa/Becky get some private chat. Vanessa makes her pitch to strike a deal with Becky. I hope Becky doesn’t fall for this. It’s awesome that she can see through Vanessa’s BS. I really hope this plan to get out Vanessa works.

‘Basic’ Becky tells Johnny Mac her plan for the week. He totally supports this plan, as do I. Vanessa’s word means absolutely nothing. The Nomination Ceremony is here and it should go as expected. The plan is in motion as Becky nominates Shelli and Steve for eviction. Becky’s reasons for nominations was perfect. The plan to backdoor Vanessa must go through the Power of Veto this week. I’m hoping this happens.

Who will win the Power of Veto? Will it be used to save Shelli or Steve from eviction?

Random thoughts on tonight’s episode:

Austin, my man. Let it go. Liz is not interested in you AT ALL.

Who wins in a fight…Clay or James?

I also find Vanessa super annoying now and she can easily cry on demand.

A new stipulation for the Big Brother drinking game…take a shot when Vanessa “cries.”

Shelli’s crying over clay is actually MORE annoying than Meg’s voice.

Quote of the episode, “I’ve worked Black Friday…I can deal with Vanessa”—Becky

image of Julie Chen courtesy of Jennifer Graylock/