Difficult People, the new Hulu series executive produced by Amy Poehler, is about two friends who learn how hard their lives can be when normal people hear about their incredibly negative attitude. It turns out that people on the other side of the TV screen also don’t like their behavior, especially when it comes to joking about Beyonce’s daughter Blue Ivy Carter and R. Kelley.
In the pilot, Julie Klausner’s wannabe comedian character Julie has sent a tweet with the joke “I can’t wait for Blue Ivy to be old enough for R. Kelley to piss on her.” The joke makes life difficult for her and her friend Billy (Parks and Recreation’s Billy Eichner). Julie quickly realizes that the Internet hates her and she tries to delete the tweet. But now that is actually happening in real life.
As the Washington Post points out, those offended have taken to Twitter to complain and asking for Poehler to apologize.
The rest of the first episode of Difficult People shows how dangerous that joke is for Julie and she is even confronted by a group of people at a party for it. But the in-show punishment for the character wasn’t enough for some people on Twitter. Let’s hope they haven't’ watched the other episodes of Difficult People.
image of Billy Eichner & Julie Klausner courtesy of Jennifer Graylock/INFphoto.com