Jessica Alba’s Honest Company is coming under fire after multiple people have taken to social media to criticize their new sunscreen products for not working properly.

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The company, which aims to put out only organic products, branded the sunscreen as SPF 30. However, parents have posted photos of their children’s skin burned despite applying the sunscreen.

In a statement to People, Honest confirmed the product was tested “by an independent 3rd party, against the protocols prescribed by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration's (FDA) monograph for over-the-counter sunscreen products” and the results “showed that our product is effective and safe for use as an 80 minute water-resistant (FDA's highest rating).”

They also said these complaints “constitute less than one half of one percent of all units actually sold" on their website.

Alba’s company has been valuated at $1 billion since she started it in 2011. The sunscreen products are currently sold out on the website.

image via Twitter from Brandon Atherton

image via Twitter from Lindsy Marshall