Charles Kelley and his wife, Cassie McConnell Kelley, have announced they’re expecting their first child.

image via Jennifer Graylock/

The couple, who have been married for six years, have struggled with fertility issues throughout their marriage. She even revealed their fertility doctor told them they had a one percent change of conceiving the natural way.

“Charles and I are SO BEYOND EXCITED to share with y’all that we are expecting a baby!” she wrote on her blog Womanista. “He or she is due in February and we are so happy we can hardly stand it. Like, ecstatic and I’m crying even as I type those words!”

She said they had planned on pursuing other options this fall if it didn’t work out naturally, but low and behold she found out she was pregnant in June.

“I share our story not to recycle those annoying clichés (‘Just relax and it will happen!’ or ‘You just need to go on vacation…’)” she wrote. “Don’t even get me started on the “Gosh, y’all have been married forever, when are you gonna have kids already!?” comments. Basically just never say that to anyone.”

image via Instagram from Womanista