After always getting what she wants, Paris Hilton has finally heard the word "no." Strangely enough, it is coming from her dermatologist.

In a recent interview with New You magazine, Hilton, 34, said that her dermatologist will not let her get plastic surgery.

"I even asked my dermatologist if I should do [plastic surgery], and he's like, 'I refuse to do it to you'" Hilton explained. "[He said] 'your skin is so perfect. I will not do it to you until you need it, and I don't know if you ever will."

While Hilton and her "perfect" skin aren't getting plastic surgery, she explained that her friends are. She not only admitted to never getting any plastic surgery, but that her friends have gotten "everything" done - naming off boob jobs, nose jobs, chin implants, and cheek implants.

"I live in Hollywood, so I'm used to seeing it," she explained to the magazine.

While continuing to talk about her beauty regime, the former party girl says that she credits using sunscreen and not staying out in the sun too long, like most of her friends. Due to their opposite beauty regime, she says most of her friends now look much older than they are and have a lot of Botox.

The heiress credits her mom, actress Kathy, 56, for all of the beauty advice over the years.

Instead of getting plastic surgery, former Simple Life star uses her time to help build her brand. This includes her 17 different product lines, over 200 more stores, and DJing all around the world.

Check out the newest edition of New You on newsstands now.

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