Day 79 and emotions are high in the Big Brother house. Liz is devastated while Austin knows he is in a tough spot…he must pick the game or his girlfriend. Steve is finally making the big move by taking a shot at Austwins. The emotions are high and the sadness is setting in with Austwins. They know they must win POV tomorrow to try and all stay in the game. Austwins discuss what to do if one of them wins POV. Julia would save Liz, and they would have the votes to send out the replacement nominee.

It is time for one of the most important POV Competitions. Everyone is dressed like a ballerina. They are doing Bowlarina, a competition from Big Brother 15. The guest host is “Mr. Pectacular” Jesse Godderz, a former Big Brother player. He explains the rules while Austin is growing jealous because the twins are drooling all over him. Let it go bro. The first match is between Steve and Liz. You have to spin around 15 times to get 15 seconds of bowling time in order to knock down four pins the quickest. Steve wasn’t ok after the spinning. I’m not picking him to win this. In a close match, Liz eliminates Steve. The next match is between Julia and Austin. Vanessa works her magic again by convincing Julia to go against Austin so she will be safe. Austin is STUNNED.

I admit I’m shocked that Julia vs. Austin is the next match. Moments before the match, Julia thinks she made the wrong choice. This veto seems even more critical for Austin, since he fears the whole house is conspiring against him. Outside of Vanessa and secretly Johnny Mac, everyone is confused why she picked Austin. Vanessa doing what she does best. Johnny Mac selects Liz for the next match. Johnny Mac dominates Liz and eliminates her. Austin is furious once he is selected to play against Vanessa. Austin crushes Vanessa and it comes down to Austin vs. Johnny Mac for the POV. “I want this!” Austin says to Johnny Mac. If Austin wins, it essentially means that one of the twins are going home. Austin dominates this competition. #JudasIsHere. I’m curious to see who will go up since Austin will be coming off.

Austin aka Judas is pumped that he is wearing the Power of Veto. The twins argue about why Julia picked Austin. It comes back to trusting Vanessa, which was a mistake for them. Austin tells Julia to go call out Vanessa in front of everybody. She should, because Vanessa 100% played her. The twins attack Vanessa for what she did. Vanessa claims that Austin would never I have thrown the POV to her. Vanessa is using her tears and trying to convince the twins of Austin’s true intentions. Vanessa/Julia take privately and Vanessa promises that ideally Austin would like her to leave, to further himself in the game. Vanessa is throwing Austin under the house. I’m waiting for the house to burst into chaos.

The Austwins alliance is in trouble. Liz/Austin talk where Austin is convinced that Vanessa was trying to have her taken out this week. They talk more and Liz breaks down and accepts that she could be leaving. Liz then talks with Vanessa and Julia and is very uncertain of Austin right now. The Liz/Austin showmance could be over really soon. Johnny Mac and Steve are chilling in the HOH room. The best move for them is to stay away from the action.

The drama really picks up. Austin’s Angeles have a full breakdown. Austin defends himself and then wants a minute alone with Vanessa. Vanessa tells Austin that by her throwing to Julia, that would put Vanessa on the block. She is then going to make peace with Vanessa since they are both staying.

Austwins continues to crumble. Liz is upset by Austin’s reaction for winning POV. It really picks up. They have a HUGE fight. It seems that Austin/Liz are done. Austin is proudly wearing the POV and Julia makes a slight jab at him. The powerful alliance looks to be completely done. It’s almost certain that Julia is going to be nominated next to Liz and one of the twins will be going home.

It seems that Austin/Liz have made up the morning before we have the POV Meeting. Austin decides to use the POV to save himself. It is time to see if Steve keeps his word on nominations from the beginning. He stays true and nominates Julia. The twins are officially going to be split up tomorrow night. I’m not sure which one will go, only time will tell. I can safely safe I believe this was one of the more drama-filled episodes of the season. We will be down to the final five tomorrow night!

image of Julie Chen courtesy of Jennifer Graylock/