The alliance that has been running the house will finally lose a member. We will see either Julia or Liz be evicted from the house tonight. It would make sense to take out Liz and break up the showmance, but time will tell what actually happens.

Day 82 right after the POV Meeting. The reality of the twins being nominated together has finally hit them. I feel their is going to be plenty of crying this episode. Vanessa brings up the fact that they had dodged seven evictions. That’s crazy. I love Johnny Mac’s honest thoughts. He feels so great. The twins continue the crying outside by the pool. They go back and forth on who should stay.

The secret alliance of Vanessa/Johnny Mac talk outside. They discuss which twin they should take out. Vanessa will probably be the swing vote if it’s a 1-1 tie. We get to witness adorable cuddle time with Austin/Liz while they discuss how much they can trust Vanessa. Seriously. How has nobody figured out that Vanessa has been running this game? Austwins come to the “epiphany” that Liz is the target. Liz says no more crying and the battle is on. Thank you. Austin/Vanessa talk about the best thing for them to do. Vanessa promises Liz if she wants to stay, she can make it happen. Vanessa continues her dealing that she has been doing all summer. She makes a deal that completely benefits Vanessa and I hope Austin/Liz don’t fall for that.

Vanessa puts on the sunglasses to talk with Steve. She means business. She goes through a pros and cons list on evicting Julia or Liz. I don’t get it. You should take out Liz and break up the showmance.

It is officially Day 85 in the house. Julie helps keep the houseguest’s spirits high by showing them some love from their families. Steve has a slight breakdown after seeing his mom. I always enjoy the fact that they send the HG something from their families.

It is time to catch up with the jury members. Meg is the first one to join Shelli, Jackie and Becky. I wouldn’t mind hanging out in the jury house right now. James is going to be in heaven when he gets there. The jury is obviously not happy to see James since that means he got the boot next. It seems that the jury is pulling for Johnny Mac and Steve, but Shelli respects that Vanessa is still fighting hard.

It is time for the next person to leave the game. The sister act is officially over. I’m shocked they didn’t start crying. I feel a plan has already been decided. Austin is up first and evicts Julia. I can’t believe they might keep Liz. Vanessa evicts Julia and it’s done. Johnny Mac rounds it out and the vote is 3-0 to evict Julia. Julia knew it was coming. She says good-bye to the house and then chats with Julie. She gets a good ovation when she comes out. They discuss her critical mistake during the POV competition. Julia approves of the Austin/Liz relationship. Johnny Mac’s good-bye message was great.

It is time for the next HOH competition. Austin/Liz are fighting for their lives now since they are down a member. Vanessa, Austin, Liz and Johnny Mac are playing “Under the Rainbow.” They will have to maneuver their eggs across their course and safely land ten eggs in their pot ofgold. They also have the option of a luxury option which is promised to be a “once in a lifetime experience” outside the house. This would be a challenge. Liz is down two eggs already.

I do enjoy the endurance competitions. I’m pulling for Johnny Mac obviously. This competition would get boring to watch and I’m sure it would be boring to play. We get a special eviction episode this Tuesday night with a POV competition and eviction. Then Wednesday night we get another eviction to send us to the final three! The season finale is September 23. We are on the home stretch!

image of Julie Chen courtesy of Jennifer Graylock/