Hillary Clinton’s daughter and Donald Trump’s daughter are lifelong friends. And that won’t be changing any time soon, even if both of their parents end up on the presidential ticket.

Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump have been in the same sphere for quite some time. The Clinton family was present for one of Donald Trump’s weddings. Mr. Trump donated tens of thousands of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Though times have changed, and Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump may not be on the best of terms, their daughters are as close as ever.

Chelsea Clinton told People, “Friendship is always more important than politics. I learned that growing up, watching my parents be friends with people across the political spectrum in Arkansas.” The women met when their husbands became friends, but the friendship has continued to flourish. The former first daughter said to People, “I’m really grateful that Ivanka’s my friend.”

In a recent poll released by CNN Mr. Trump is leading the GOP pack by significant margins, polling at 32 percent support. Although the former Secretary of State is leading the national polls, fellow democrat Bernie Sanders is catching up to her in key states such as New Hampshire and Iowa, according to CNN. All we can say is: stay tuned.

Credit: Jennifer Graylock/INFphoto.com