Jessica Biel is launching a video series in partnership with WomanCare Global, which will inform young girls about their changing bodies as well as reproductive health.

Biel, who welcomed her first child with husband Justin Timberlake five months ago, will begin appearing in these videos on Sept. 28.

Biel told Glamour, “We want girls to know what their [body is going through] so they don't feel scared or ashamed or gross. We share girl stories, fears, and insecurities. The tone is informative but also goofy, smart, witty."

The actress took an interest in these issues when she met WomanCare Global founder Saundra Pelletier.

Biel remembers wondering what the next step was when she was ready to start trying for a baby. “Now what happens? I've been on the Pill for so long; how hard will it be to get pregnant?" she recalled thinking to herself.

She also remembers having questions about her body when she got her period in fifth grade. "I was in a school play, wearing a gray beard and this pad the size of a skateboard and thinking, What is happening to me?"

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