Even Selena Gomez is sick of all the talk about her relationship with Justin Bieber in the media and she’s now opening up about the exact moment she knew it was over for good.

Gomez gave a raw and emotional performance of her song “The Heart Wants What It Wants,” which is about Bieber, at the American Music Awards in Nov. 2014. She now says that right before she went out onstage, she knew that when the performance was done, so was the relationship.

"Everybody was talking about the same thing: my relationship," she told the October issue of Elle. "I was so exhausted. I said, 'I want this [performance] to be the last time I have to talk about this. And acknowledge this feeling.'"

She admitted she was "kind of devastated” and even asked to spend some time alone in her dressing room. "I was like, 'This is all I have right now. This is gonna be it. And all I want is to move on.'"

Gomez said the performance, and ridding herself of the relationship, was a “huge weight lifted off me.”

In the same token, she was asked if she would ever get back together with him and she admitted, “I don't know!"

"Genuinely, I'll forever support him and love him in a way that...We grew up together,” she said. “I think people want it to be different. We're too young for that. Nobody was married. There was no...I respect him. And I think he respects me, in a healthy manner."

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