Harry is shaving Walter. Walter says he’s having second thoughts about his new bidet because it seems irresponsible during the drought. He says that the ‘zero impact family’ will be on the air tonight.

Rosalie screams at Martin. Turns out Teddy is in the ER after a fall. He’s not answering his phone and Rosalie leaves to pick him up with Walter in tow.

Teddy checked himself out saying he needed to go to work. He’s retired. Walter and Rosalie head for her home to look for him. He’s not there and still isn’t answering his phone. Rosalie’s home is a mess, which isn’t normal. She says they had a fight the night before.

Jim is wearing an ostrich pillow as a miniature nest he can hide in. Martin says Rosalie is his nest.

Rosalie tracks Teddy’s phone with an app on hers. She and Walter head for the bar that comes up. They call their crew back at the studio and Walter puts Jim in charge while he’s gone. Celia tries to change his mind, but Walter doesn’t. Harry starts treating Jim like he does Walter, offering him a drink. Celia and Jim argue over what story to do first.

When Walter and Rosalie show up at the bar, the bartender refuses to answer their questions. Rosalie checks the app and Teddy is on the move. On their way to find him, they get pulled over. Walter’s license is suspended, so he tries to change seats with Rosalie. They get stuck and decide to switch back. The cop recognizes him from the Youtube video where he assaulted an LA officer. The cop thanks him from the Burbank police and lets them go.

It’s time for Walter to head back to the studio, but he decides to miss the broadcast and help Rosalie find Teddy. Walter calls his crew and tells Jim he’s to replace him on air. Celia has a fit, but Walter says she never told him that was her dream. He tells her to bump the ‘zero impact family’ so he can interview them himself. Jim is visibly nervous. Harry gives him a swig from his flask and says he’ll help him get ready.

Walter asks Rosalie if Teddy has been acting erratic. She doesn’t want to talk about it.

Harry whips Jim with a towel to release the toxins, like he does for Walter. Celia is letting the father of the ‘zero impact family’ know that they don’t need him that night. He asks about the man screaming in pain.

Walter and Rosalie arrive at the motel where Teddy supposedly is. The motel owner leads them to Teddy’s room reluctantly. She says her guests come there for relaxation or to smoke meth. Walter says that’s one drug he’s never tried. He hears it’s bad for the teeth. The owner says, “Meth or no meth, you’ve gotta floss.” She opens the door. They find Teddy’s jacket, but he’s not there.

Harry introduces the new Jim to the office – freshly shaved, new suit. He spins for them. Bob, the boss, appears and tells him he needs to be good and not “f**k up.” Jim gets nervous again and tries to run for it. Harry tackles him.

Rosalie and Walter start walking in the desert behind the motel. Walter tells her she needs to face up to what’s going on and asks about Teddy’s dementia. She tells him she doesn’t want to watch Teddy disappear before her eyes.

Harry has Celia spoon Jim to calm him down. Celia tells Jim when he came out in his suit, she saw a handsome, capable news man.

Walter spies Teddy in the motel pool in his clothes. Rosalie runs in to get him. He says it was hot. She asks him why he came to the motel. He says he needed to lie down. She holds him.

Jim comes on air. When he starts, his eyebrows go crazy. Celia tells him through his ear piece to calm down and that she’s rooting for him. He pulls it together.

Celia and Jim have a drink together after the show in Walter’s office. She puts her bare feet up, which Jim finds attractive.

Rosalie, Teddy, and Walter stay at the motel. Rosalie climbs into bed with Teddy and spoons him while Walter takes the second bed. The sun goes down.