On this week’s episode of How to Get Away with Murder, Annalise helps a friend who claims she murdered her husband in self-defense, Oliver uncovers a major bombshell in the Hapstall case, and Frank introduces Laurel to his family.

Annalise is being rushed to surgery following the incident at the Hapstall’s mansion. Frank tries to get the doctors and nurses to update him on Annalise’s condition, but they won’t tell him anything and he refuses to leave. As Annalise goes into cardiac arrest, a doctor escorts Frank out of the hospital and Frank soon returns to his car. Catherine Hapstall is dead in his backseat.

Two weeks earlier, Frank and Laurel are in the middle of getting hot and heavy, when Frank’s alarm clock goes off. Frank asks Laurel if she wants to join him in the shower, but she hangs back to snoop through his things. When Frank offers her once last chance, she takes it.

Oliver asks Connor what he did that might potentially cause him to go to jail, but Connor brushes him off. He claims he exaggerated.

Wes calls Nate before Annalise arrives to class and is soon joined by the others, who continue to jeer at him for Rebecca’s “death” and the incident involving the suitcase full of money. Soon, Laurel steps in and advises the others to stop their insults so Annalise doesn’t find out about this new development.

Enter Annalise, who asks Asher to tell her the verdict of U.S. v. Mahoney. A flashback shows Asher’s possible change of heart when it comes to testifying. He seems more inclined to protect Bonnie having seen the video of her being abused by her father.

In the present, Asher answers Annalise’s question; the case had no verdict.

When Annalise returns to her home, she speaks with Bonnie in private and informs her that Bonnie was successful at getting Asher to change his mind about testifying.

Simultaneously, Asher is reunited with his fellow co-workers and he tells them he isn’t allowed to fill them in on what he knows.

Frank tells Bonnie he owes her for getting Asher to keep quiet. Later, Frank tells Annalise Wes is distracted because of the suitcase, but not distracted enough to forget about Rebecca. Frank claims he’ll handle that.

Annalise meets with the D.A. and asks that she stop harassing Asher. After Annalise threatens her, the D.A. agrees to stop pursuing Asher, because of the high demands of the Hapstall case.

Annalise returns to her students and tells them they need to find a suspect in the Hapstall case. At the same time, Bonnie tells Annalise that her friend, Jill is on the phone with an emergency. Jill needs Annalise’s help; she accidentally killed her husband.

Annalise talks to Jill and asks what happened. Jill maintains that her action was in self-defense as her husband was drunk and abusive. Annalise tells Jill to call 911 and wait for her to arrive.

Asher apologizes to Bonnie for what Sam did to her and Bonnie thanks him for deciding to protect her after all.

Annalise arrives at Jill’s moments after the cops have begun to survey the crime scene.

Asher ignores his dad’s phone calls.

Annalise’s students try to compile a suspect list to determine who might have tried to frame Caleb and Catherine.

Meanwhile, Annalise talks to Bonnie while at Jill’s. Annalise thinks Jill staged the crime scene to make it look like a struggle. Later, a detective accuses Jill of killing her husband, because she lied to him and he found out about her being transgender.

Annalise interrogates Jill, who insists that her husband, Steven knew she was transgender and she can prove it. She also admits to exaggerating the crime scene, because she thought no one would believe her.

Wes calls Nate to tell him about the money in the storage locker, though Nate isn’t interested in hearing what Wes has to say. Nate tells Wes not to call him anymore.

Asher talks to Caleb and Catherine Hapstall, while the others continue their search for additional suspects. When Connor makes a comment about Michaela being free to date Caleb now, since Levi was arrested, a slew of unprofessional opinions come pouring out and Laurel realizes that Catherine has been recording them on her iPad. Catherine hears the commotion, admitting she felt the need to record their meetings, since they’d lied to her and Caleb in the past.

When Annalise hears that her students have been unprofessional, she is furious. Simultaneously, she asks Bonnie to find a witness who can vouch for Jill’s abuse and Frank arrives to report that Nate’s wife, Nia died.

Upon hearing the news of Nia’s death, Annalise visits Nate and brings him a peach cobbler. He doesn’t answer the door, so she leaves it outside his apartment.

Michaela’s strong feelings about adoption and biological parents come out during the group’s work on the Hapstall case. The fighting about Wes and Rebecca also continues, prompting Laurel and Wes to ask Frank if he killed her.

Laurel mentions they found the suitcase with the money and Frank says the money was stashed away as a bribe so Rebecca wouldn’t tell anyone she was tied up. He reassures them he didn’t harm Rebecca.

Jill’s TA, Melissa shows up at the Keating house looking for Bonnie, claiming she was a witness to Jill’s abuse.

Annalise meets with Jill. She’s angry she didn’t think of using Melissa as a witness first.

At the D.A.’s office, Annalise asks that Jill’s charges be dropped. The D.A. isn’t willing to negotiate so easily, though. They have Jill’s call records and know that she spoke to Annalise prior to dialing 911. They strongly suspect that Annalise told Jill how to stage the crime scene and have no problem charging Annalise as an accessory to Steven’s murder.

Asher panics when he realizes the D.A. leaked information about his ties to Tiffany Howard and wonders how his dad will react. He thought Annalise would take care of things and he knows his dad will have no problem trying to get back at her.

Annalise asks Frank to collect dirt on Asher’s dad, George, much to Bonnie’s dismay.

The next day, Asher asks Bonnie for updates and she reassures him Annalise is working on it.

Annalise makes another appeal to the D.A. to drop Jill’s charges and provides intel on George Millstone and corruption charges to gain leverage. It works and Jill is freed.

Oliver helps Annalise’s students gather a lead on Caleb and Catherine’s aunt. A meeting with the siblings, Annalise, and her students later reveals that Helena Hapstall had a son around the same time she started a charity in the Cayman Islands. The Hapstall’s cousin could be trying to frame them.

Michaela apologizes to Caleb for the group’s earlier faux pas with Catherine’s recording and Caleb forgives her by asking her out.

Annalise pays another visit to Nate, which results in Nate telling Annalise he doesn’t care about her. She robbed him of important time with Nia by framing him for Sam’s murder. Annalise also runs into Wes there.

Frank doesn’t appreciate that Laurel seems to be following Wes’ lead where Rebecca is concerned. He brings her to dinner at his parents’ house in effort to prove what a good guy he is.

Wes arrives home and Annalise catches up with him. She wants to talk to Wes, but Wes is unwilling to hear her out. Wes is convinced Annalise knows more about what happened to Rebecca than she’s saying, causing a fight to erupt. Annalise maintains she was aware that Rebecca ran away and that’s all. Wes wants her to stop keeping secrets.

George is upset that Asher sold him out to protect himself, but Asher has no idea what he means. George then explains how the D.A. is opening up an investigation on him and tells Asher they’re done.

Bonnie meets with the D.A., who calls game over. Annalise shut down the D.A.’s case, so she won. The D.A. also brings up dirt on Asher’s involvement with Tiffany Howard and urges Bonnie to read her files. Bonnie’s not interested.

Oliver tells Connor he found Helena Hapstall’s secret son, Philip Jessup and hacked into his computer. Connor isn’t thrilled, because Oliver could’ve just tipped off a killer that they’re onto him. From the other side of the screen, Philip is able to see and hear everything Oliver and Connor are saying.

Frank meets with Bruno, who gives him a body to put in his trunk. Frank goes to the woods to dispose of it.

Annalise calls to make sure that Frank is disposing of the body properly this time and he informs her he’s in the process. The next morning, a search party of cops and bloodhounds find Catherine, who is somehow not dead, but awake.

End of episode.

How to Get Away with Murder airs every Thursday at 10 p.m. on ABC.