Watchmen, the acclaimed graphic novel written by Alan Moore, has already been turned into a movie, but Warner Bros. might not be completely done with it. Director Zack Snyder is reportedly talking with HBO about making a TV series.

Collider is reporting that Snyder has held meetings with the premium cable network about the idea. The site’s sources could not say if the show will be a series based on DC Comics’ prequel comic series, a sequel series or even a new adaptation of the novel itself.

Both DC Comics and HBO are owned by Time Warner. However, that doesn’t mean that the show will automatically be greenlit and HBO has been taking a frugal approach to shows as of late. They even cancelled two David Fincher projects over budgetary and creative concerns.

The fact is that Watchmen probably would have been better served as a TV series in the first place. Snyder struggled to get as much of the story into his 2009 film, which ran over 160 minutes in theaters. There’s an ultimate cut that even exceeds 200 minutes. Still, it doesn’t seem like a great idea to just re-tell the same story that was in the movie.