Saturday Night Live did a spoof regarding the first Democratic debate that occurred and Larry David made headlines with his role as Bernie Sanders.

Time reported that David, who bears a resemblance to the presidential candidate, used humor when speaking about some issues, including the middle class. “I don’t have a super PAC. I don’t even have a backpack. I own one pair of underwear. That’s it. Some of these billionaires have three, four pairs.”

He also made cracks regarding the podiums that are used during the debates.

Baldwin also appeared on the show and in the segment, in which he played Jim Webb. Webb had made the complaint that the debate seemed to focus more on Sanders and Hilary Clinton. Just like the debate in Webb’s case, we didn’t get to see much of Baldwin.

Kate McKinnon took on the role of Clinton once more for this segment. She also appeared in a segment with the real Clinton, who played a bartender.