Following Last Week’s Vote…
Angkor arrived back at camp, with Woo feeling so grateful that he has another chance to prove his loyalty to Tasha, Savage, and Abi. Abi being the humble and generous castaway that she is (cough, cough) confided to the cameras that she was the one who decided to keep Woo, and if he goes back on his word, he’ll be dead to her.
Tensions Arise…
So much attention has been given to Angkor thus far that we’ve hardly seen much of what’s going on with the other tribes, but that changed this week with the focus on Bayon. One scene opened with Monica, Kimmi, and Wiglesworth gathering clams, crabs, etc. from the water to feed the tribe. #GirlPower However, when Kimmi found a few ginormous clams, Monica became annoyed that taking so many would deplete their supply of food. Kimmi couldn’t understand what the big deal was since a) six people couldn’t possibly do much damage to the clam and crab population for the month they’d be staying there and b) before you get ahead of yourself and worry about having food up until the very end, you actually need the protein to win challenges to survive that long. #Drama
The Reward Challenge…
The tribes were really pumped for this week’s first place comfort reward: chairs with cushions, pillows, a tarp and refreshments back at camp. Second place was only a tarp, still a valuable reward considering the castaways are exposed to the elements a tad. The Ta Keo and Angkor tribes each worked well during the challenge, but Bayon was all over the place. Yet, just because a team is in last place doesn’t mean they should be counted out, and Spencer’s last-ditch efforts to secure a win proved that in spades. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough, so Bayon went back to camp empty-handed.
Thinking Longterm…
As Ta Keo lounged around camp later that day, Joe gathered Keith, Ciera, Kass, and Kelley to solidify their alliance. The poor guy is still scarred from having played the previous season and being considered such a threat, so he wants to avoid a repeat of that happening with a five-person alliance. (And if you’re keeping track that leaves poor Terry and his newfound confidence on the outside.)
Geeks Can Be Providers, Too…
Spencer is really doing everything in his power to up his social game which included a fishing trip this week with Jeremy for some bro bonding. As a superfan, Spencer admits he’s always admired resourceful players like Ozzy and Joe for going out and catching something for dinner, so he took a stab at it, too, and was successful. Go Spencer, you make the rest of us awkward geeks proud!
Woo has always been an optimistic and laid-back player, which made the story of his mom’s heart attack and transplant all the more poignant. Well except in Abi’s case. Abi told Tasha that she was annoyed with his story because he’s clearly looking for sympathy. Because if you want a sob story, then you should hear the story about Abi’s tendon transplant. This girl has obviously been out in the sun too long. Alliance member Tasha doesn’t know how much longer she’ll stay sane keeping Abi in the game. We can relate!
The Immunity Challenge…
Tonight’s heart-stopping competition featured a small obstacle course the tribes had to maneuver in order to reach the slingshot and launch sand bags at targets. Thanks to Fishbach hitting one of Angkor’s targets instead of his own team’s, Angkor finished first with Ta Keo taking second place.
Preparing For Tribal…
With four original Bayon members and Spencer and Wiglesworth from the old Ta Keo tribe, it seemed like a no-brainer how the vote would go. The only thing that needed to be determined was who the dominant group trusted more. Kimmi, Fishbach, and Jeremy decided they would vote for Wiglesworth, but when Kimmi told Monica, Monica said that it wasn’t a good idea, that the two of them should think about keeping Wiglesworth to form an all-girls alliance down the road. While good in theory, you can’t just go against your alliance. They’ll look at you as untrustworthy if you make it obvious that you’re only playing for yourself and not for the tribe. More importantly, don’t go and confide something that big to a person who doesn’t really like you and will look for any reason to get rid of you. Didn’t you learn your lesson from Russell Hantz?
Tribal Council…
Throughout their conversation with Probst, Spencer and Wiglesworth looked pretty resigned to their fates, while Monica seemed confident that everything would go her way. And then she was voted out by Kimmi, Fishbach, and Jeremy instead. The look of utter disbelief on her face was really gut-wrenching, but absolutely priceless. #EpicBlindside
Until Next Week…
The repercussions of this vote are definitely going to cause a shift in the game, as will some sort of medical emergency for one player. It happens during the night, so it’s too dark to tell which tribe is affected, but the previews do show Kass talking to the cameras. Hopefully it’s just a bunch of hype.
What did everyone think about tonight’s episode?