Kwanzaa means “first fruits of harvest” in the Swahili language and is a celebration that is unique to the African American community. Kwanzaa celebrates values derived from traditional African cultures: family, community responsibility, commerce, and self-improvement. The colors of Kwanza are black, red, and green.

If you are looking for some gift ideas, here are 10 possibilities:

  1. A collection of books that demonstrate the best in modern and classic African American writing.
  2. Children’s books about African folk tales. This is a popular gift for kids and allows them to learn more about their African ancestry.
  3. African-American jewelry from a fair trade organization that helps. African artists sell their unique creations. Often these are original and one-of-a-kind designs made to honor a tribe.
  4. A traditional cookbook of African recipes representing every nation in Africa.
  5. African drum set up.
  6. A subscription to Ebony magazine, a publication dedicated to honoring the African-American community.
  7. A photographic book about African wildlife and scenery for people who have not yet made a trip to Africa. This is a lovely way to bring a sense of appreciation for the land of their ancestors.
  8. Kwanzaa T-shirts.
  9. African folk art or heritage symbol.
  10. African inspired pillows, linen, or other home decorations that are based on African aesthetic.