The Bachelorette ‘Men Tell All’ episode, brought back good memories from this season (Chris and Sean falling hard) and also the most controversial. There is no surprise that Kalon, the guy famous for calling Ricki ‘baggage,’ is on this list multiple times. But, the big surprise is whether or not, after months later, Emily forgave him.

10. Chris’ sweet last words to Emily: “You opened my eyes to something that I had questions about. I really did believe in falling in love...Thank you from the bottom of my heart to opening my eyes to falling in love.”

9. Emily’s regret to Doug after he told her about Kalon: “I had a huge regret and I wish I would’ve given you the group date rose.”

8. Emily tells Sean she cried over watching him leave: “I want you to know that I watched the episode and literally sat in my room and did the ugly cry- the ugly, ugly, ugly cry. And everything that I felt for you was so true and so genuine and real for me...I mean, what girl wouldn’t want Sean?”

7. Chris and Sean reveal how it was like leaving and falling in love

Chris, 25: “It really really really hurt...I really believed that I could be with this girl for the rest of my life...I loved that girl 110 percent...She made me a believer...I’m looking forward to falling in love with that right girl.”

Sean Lowe, 28: “I fell in love with that girl. I still have strong feelings for her...She is an amazing person and that’s not going to fade over night. I wish it would, but it hasn’t. Although I do see the light at the end of the tunnel, I certainly am still emotional.”

6. Chris disses Ryan, 31: “I am very confident in myself; obviously, not as confident in myself as you are in yourself...this was Emily’s season not your season.”

Later on when Ryan is in the hot seat, he says, “There is no doubt that I am very confident in me, but I’m also very confident in who God has made me to be...When I do watch the show, I do laugh at a lot of that stuff...that search for the alpha male in your own territory; that’s tough.”

5. Kalon about not backing out on day one after finding out Emily was the Bachelorette: “At that point I was committed and I think it would’ve said less about my character had I backed out just because she had a child...I did not know for a fact that I absolutely did not want a step-child...I’m an optimist. I really do believe anything can happen.”

4. Ryan on if he was in it to win it: “It was never fully about Emily. It was about me finding my wife...If I’m there at the end, then, the worst case scenario is that maybe I’ll have that opportunity to meet 25 ladies that will be a great fit for me.” Note: Chris Harrison informs everyone that he will not be the next Bachelor. Round of applause.

3. Kalon’s excuses: 1) On why he 'shewed' Emily away while practicing Shakespeare lines: “She was extremely sick and it was freezing cold outside.” 2)On calling Ricki baggage: “For some reason in America, everyone likes things to be sugar-coated.”

2. Everyone feuding with Kalon: “You’re kind of not yourself after a few weeks...I was obviously extremely frustrated that I put myself out there and...

Charlie, 32, adds: “That’s bullsh*t dude. I was myself through the whole time...There were times I really wanted to smack you in the face because you were so disrespectful.”

Stevie, 26: “I called it...Emily’s daughter was baggage? You didn’t go in there for that intention at all...You were just there for the spotlight. You came in a Chopper!”

1. Emily and Kalon battle it out for the final time

Kalon: “Obviously I’d like to apologize for how the way things transpired. You look extremely happy so I’m happy for you, but at the same time, I’m obviously sorry for the way things went down between us. But I am trying to use it as a growing experience in my future relationships and I really wish the best for you.”

Emily: “And you, my dear, should be a politician because that is the biggest load of bullsh*t I’ve ever heard...You’ve made it very clear how you feel about me and that you don’t regret the things that you said...A couple days ago I see a post on my computer- a picture of a baggage claim, “Thought for sure I’d see Emily Maynard here.”

Kalon: “I guess I’m flattered you follow me on Twitter.”

Emily: “I hope that you find faith in something bigger than your Prada shoes.”

This Sunday, July 22, at 8 p.m. EST is The Bachelorette finale followed by the one-hour live “After the Final Rose” episode. Who do you think will be Emily’s new fiancé - Arie or Jef?