On Thursday’s episode of The Vampire Diaries, "I Carry Your Heart with Me," Damon and Stefan try to outwit the heretics to save the lives of friends and strangers, while Bonnie attempts to bring Jo back from the dead.

Three years from now, Rick is trying to repair a doll for his twin girls. He sends them off to brush their teeth when everything goes quiet. Rick grabs a gun from the cupboard. He finds the girls staring at the open front door. Damon threatens Rick and asks to be invited in.

In present day, Rick pays off the morgue attendant again to have some privacy with Jo’s body for the night.

Lily calls Damon, who asks her to produce Elena. She wants to talk to Oscar. Damon goes to wake him up and finds him missing. He can smell Oscar’s blood and finds his corpse in the closet.

Bonnie is gathering her belongings to meet Rick. Caroline asks her to go costume shopping, but Bonnie tells her she has to spend the day crushing Rick’s dreams gently. She says Jo’s spirit is probably at peace due to the other side being gone.

Valerie is making omelets, supposedly for Oscar’s return, when Enzo walks in. He mentions how late she got home the night before. Lily comes in saying that Damon never showed up to swap hostages. She asks Enzo to give her a moment with Valerie. Lily tells Valerie that she heard about her and Stefan’s tryst in 1863. Lily asks her why she’d tell Stefan she was coming back and then not show up. Valerie says she was a foolish human. Lily asks if she has any other secrets and Valerie says she doesn’t.

Nora and Mary Louise have been sent to Damon’s house to look for Oscar. Damon and Stefan are moving the body through the house when the girls knock on the door. They hide the body and open the door. Nora and Mary come in to search the place. Damon says they just missed Oscar who knocked him out and took off. Mary asks why Oscar isn’t answering his phone. Damon says he doesn’t want to be found.

The girls find nothing and leave. After they go, Stefan and Damon pull Oscar’s body in from hanging out the window. After dropping the body on the couch, a co-ed comes in with a note. Stefan reads it. It’s from Nora. For every hour that Oscar is missing, a University student will die. The messenger then stabs herself in the neck.

A ghost tour pulls up to Mystic Falls. Matt stops them. He threatens to suspend the driver’s license unless they leave. They take off. Enzo appears and asks Matt for access to the town’s surveillance cameras so he can track Valerie.

Caroline asks Stefan why he hasn’t talked to Valerie about removing the burning skin spell yet. He tells Caroline that Valerie is the heretic that he’s least concerned with right now. He tells Caroline about Nora and Mary Louise’s plan. Stefan suggests they babysit the girls at a university heaven and hell dance that night. Caroline says they’ll never fall for it unless they think it’s their idea.

As Nora and Mary Louise are walking down the hallway, Caroline grabs the flyer for the dance off the bulletin board and tries to walk past them. They stop her and grab the flyer. She tells them they can’t go, but Nora says they’ll be there. Caroline makes fun of them for not fitting in. Mary makes Caroline give them outfits.

Back in Caroline’s room, Mary Louise takes a dress from Caroline’s closet. Caroline asks her to siphon off Valerie’s spell so she can touch Stefan without burning him. Mary says she doesn’t want to get on Valerie’s bad side.

Nora is making her outfit downstairs. She tells Stefan that she won’t take the spell off of Caroline either. Mary Louise comes in and shows Nora her outfit. Nora says she looks plain and should sex it up. She tears the top of the dress. Mary gets angry and sends a pair of scissors into the gut of a passing co-ed, saying the distraction period is over, then storms out.

Bonnie and Rick are at the morgue. Damon brings Oscar in and tells Bonnie they need to bring him back to life.

At the dance, Nora and Mary Louise go to the bar. Mary asks for drinks that don’t exist anymore, but Nora corrects her, flirting with the bartender. The bartender compliments Nora’s slutty angel costume and they discuss their love of Pinterest. Mary is upset.

Bonnie tries various spells on Oscar with different results. With one, his eyes open, but then close almost immediately. With another, he catches fire. Damon is frustrated. Stefan calls him. He tells Damon that he and Caroline have saved three students already. He asks Damon how much longer until Oscar is alive. Damon says they’re close.

Enzo comes into Lily’s living room with a woman to feed on. Valerie tells him they have blood bags downstairs, but he says it’s nice to get out and asks if she agrees. She asks if he’s accusing her of something. He says the surveillance cameras caught her car going back and forth to Whitmore the night before, where Oscar was being held. Enzo threatens to tell Lily. Valerie admits to killing Oscar to keep him from bringing Julien back into Lily’s life. Valerie tells Enzo that he’ll want to keep Julien as far away as possible if he ever wants Lily to love him back.

Back at the dance, Stefan tells Caroline he’ll talk to Valerie after Damon brings Oscar back to life. She accuses him of avoiding Valerie. She’s afraid Stefan’s feelings for the heretic will come flooding back when he sees her. Stefan suddenly notices the girls are missing.

Mary Louise is looking for Nora in another room. She finds her feeding on the bartender. Nora invites her to have taste. Mary kills the bartender out of jealousy. Nora accuses Mary of struggling to adapt. Mary says she’s going to finish what they came there to do.

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