The Vatican has denied a report that Pope Francis is sick and has a benign tumor on his brain.

Reuters noted that the Vatican quickly dismissed the report by the Italian newspaper Quotidiano Nazionale calling it “a grave act of irresponsibility, absolutely inexcusable and unconscionable.”

An article, which appeared on the publication’s front page Wednesday, said that the pontiff was sick and Japanese brain cancer specialist Dr. Takanori Fukishima found "a small dark spot” on the 78-year-old’s brain. The story went on to say that it could be treated without surgery.

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi, however, said the paper’s claim was untrue.

"I am able to confirm that the pope is in good health," he said. "No Japanese doctor has visited the pope in the Vatican and there have been no examinations of the type indicated in the article."

Despite the Vatican’s denial the newspaper's editor, Andrea Cangini, said that is standing by the story.

The account in the article is based on that of a nurse who alleges to have seen the pope’s medical records.