Despite making out with Meghan Trainor onstage at the American Music Awards, Charlie Puth is setting the record straight about their relationship.

After the show they both denied they were dating and Puth is now revealing he’s actually seeing someone else. He appeared on the John Jay & Rich Show and told the hosts he’s “not attracted” to Trainor.

"I'm a very aggressive maker-outer, but Meghan is my friend, and I don't know, like my natural boy instincts kinda just like kicked in," he said."So I was like all nervous before, like how am I going to make this look real, because I'm not attracted to her in that way? She's like my friend."

He also talked to USA Today about the kiss, which launched the hashtag #MeghanCharlieAMAs on Twitter, saying they’re both laughing it off.

“I have a girl kind of in my life right now that I'm not making too public and I don't want people to get the wrong idea,” he explained.