Former President George H.W. Bush critiqued the performances some of his son's top aides during his presidency and his son's performance in the upcoming biography Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush.

In the book, written by Jon Meacham, Bush Senior labels former Vice President Dick Cheney as an "iron ass" for his reaction to the 9/11 attacks, and attributes this attitude to Cheney's wife Lynne, notes CNN. The excerpts from the book were first published by The New York Times.

Bush continues his critique with the former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld by saying he "served the president badly" and was an "arrogant fellow." He also confessed to Meachem his efforts to get his son to replace Rumsfeld with Bob Gates after the 2006 elections.

Bush Senior left no stone unturned in his new book, even turning his sights to his sons actions. He specifically references the phrase "axis of evil" in his son's 2002 State of the Union address saying "I think that might be historically proved to be not benefiting anything."

In response to his father's comments, Bush Junior states that he is "...proud to have served with Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld..." and later added that Cheney "did a superb job" as his vice president and Rumsfeld "was an effective Secretary of Defense," notes USA Today.

It goes without saying that the comments made by Bush Senior are putting the Bush family in the spotlight, especially with Jeb running for president. The question is, will the comments made in the book have any effect on Jeb's campaign.