In the not too distant future, Mystery Science Theater 3000 may finally be returning with all new episodes.

The show's star, Joel Hodgson, has just launched a Kickstarter page for a potential MST3k reboot, with the goal set at $2 million. That might sound like a lot, but the project has already racked up over $200,000 in its first few hours.

That $2 million would be spent on producing three new episodes. However, Hodgson says they will make more if they exceed their goal, with $5.5 million guaranteeing a full 12 episodes. These would then be shopped around to interested networks or online streaming services. Potential candidates might include the series' original homes Comedy Central and SyFy, or possibly Hulu or Vimeo, seeing as both of those websites currently stream MST3K.

Here's the bad news, though: if the reboot does happen, it will be with a completely new cast. Hodgson told Entertainment Weekly that he wants a new host and new voices for Crow and Tom Servo, seeing as the hosts and voices were changed up over the years in the original series. Still, Hodgson hopes to get the original cast back on board to write, produce and make occasional cameos.