The Flash began last night with a glimpse into the relationship between Jay Garrick and Earth 2’s Harrison Wells. While we find out that Wells has secrets that our Earth 1 counterparts don’t know about, there is so much to discover about the doppelganger that has everyone reeling when he shows up to try to help Barry stop Zoom.

The newest metahuman shows up in the form of Doctor Light. Jay insists she is only a thief and that Barry can talk to her. However, when he finds out her true identity and who she looks like, Barry becomes distracted long enough for her to have the best of him, just before he is supposed to go on his first date with Patty.

Finally, Cisco’s secret is revealed and he must now come to grips with his role as a metahuman himself. Plus, we meet a future metahuman and find out just one of Harrison’s secrets that he has not told the team about.

So what do you think Flash fans? Can Harrison be trusted? Who else on Earth 1 has a metahuman counterpart? Until we find out, check out some of the top moments from last night’s “The Darkness and The Light.”

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