Kim Kardashian has recently lived out every 90's girls' fantasy when Victoria Beckham called her Posh Spice costume 'Genius.'

Kardashian recently posted a Throwback Thursday photo of herself and her friends dressed as the Spice Girls when they were in high school. Kim, dressed in a tight black dress and capturing the Posh Spice smoulder perfectly, according to Metro. The reality star was participating in a high school talent show when her and her four friends dressed as the group.

Kardashian captioned the photo "I'm so Thankful that me & my friends were the Spice Girls for our high school talent show! The Spice Girls got me through a lot! #ForeverThankful."

Victoria Beckham loved the photo so much she reposted it, with the caption "Genius! x vb" USA Today reports.

With rumors flying of a reunion tour for The Spice Girls (minus Beckham) and The Backstreet Boys, photos like this may be just what the two bands need to set the dates and make this dream a reality. And maybe getting some solid dates down will motivate Beckham to participate in the tour.