Jon Stewart made his first appearance on The Daily Show since retiring from the show this past summer to get attention for one of his chosen causes. He has been trying to get Congress to renew health care for 9/11 first responders.

During the second segment of last night’s Daily Show, the fully-bearded Stewart showed up behind host Trevor Noah. The current host thought that the former host was trying to take his show back, but Stewart assured him that this was not the case.

Stewart went to Washington DC in September to rally support for the measure, which was surprisingly hard to get, even though Stewart took many first responders with him.

“It seems like a no brainer. So what’s holding it up, Jon?” Noah asked.

“No brains,” Stewart replied. He explained that House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are the ones holding it up, even though the measure has the support needed in both the House and Senate. Stewart went particularly hard after McConnell, who he said pulled the measure out of a transportation bill that many expected it to be a part of.